The environment in our hands
Inquirer News Service
THERE is growing concern over the stability of the existing political leadership in the Philippines. However, we must also keep in mind that there are other concerns that affect Filipinos and the rest of mankind as seriously, or even more.
The effects of Earth's ailing environment may not be immediately noticeable, but they are certainly spreading like a plague that may soon prove to be too lethal.
The little things that people, Filipinos included, take for granted, such as smoking and throwing wrappers, cans and bottles wherever they feel like doing them, have created a major national and global problem that is not just gradually killing our environment but is also threatening the very people tasked to be the stewards of this planet.
I think it is important for Filipinos to be aware of our surroundings and how to protect our environment. In order for us to live with clean air around us, and with fresh water and fertile land to fill our hunger and thirst, we each have to do our part. Have your cars tuned up regularly. Penalize smoke-belching buses and other public utility vehicles. Segregate and dispose of trash properly. Reuse and recycle plastic and glass containers. Doing these simple things will make a positive and huge contribution in our quest to ease the long-standing problem of pollution.
By uniting and cooperating, we do not just help ourselves; we also help everyone around us. No matter what race, color or nationality we have, this is still one planet on which we live. We have no one else to turn to if we must save the one planet we have been blessed with. And there is no one else to blame if we just passively stand around and wait for Earth's demise.
MIGUEL R. ROCHA (via e-mai)
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